1. Prof. Dr. Saktioto, M.Phil
2. Prof. Dr. Minarni, M. Sc
3. Zulfa, M.Si
Prof. Dr. Saktioto. M.Phil
# Effect of direct current electric field on the root growth of oil palm seedlings
Science, Technology and Communication Journal 3 (2), 51-56, Tahun 2023
#Temperature stabilization based on passive cooling technology in the initial design of an eco-friendly mini greenhouse, Science, Technology and Communication Journal 3 (2), 47-50, tahun 2023
#An optimum design of high sensitivity PMMA-coated FBG sensor for temperature measurement, TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 21 (2), 382-389, tahun 2023
#Job Training Recommendation System: Integrated Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS Approach. Advances on Intelligent Informatics and Computing: Health Informatics 2022
# The effect of light waves on polarization mode disperts. Science, Technology and Communication Journal 2 (2), 46-50, 2022
Prof. Minarni, M.Sc
#Anotasi Citra berbasis Python untuk Rancang Bangun Perangkat Lunak Deteksi Objek Pada Tandan Buah Segar Kelapa Sawit Cacat, Komunikasi Fisika Indonesia 20 (2), 135-140, tahun 2023
# Plastic and organic waste identification using multispectral imaging, Materials Today: Proceedings 87, 338-344, tahun 2023
# Wavelength selection of multispectral imaging for oil palm fresh fruit ripeness classification. Applied Optics, 2022, 61(17), 5289-5298.
# Rancang Bangun Sistem Hidung Elektronik Berbasis Sensor Gas MQ untuk Mengevaluasi Kualitas Madu. Jurnal Teori Dan Aplikasi Fisika 9 (2), 143-152, 2021
Zulfa, M.Si
# Organ absorbed doses in the IORT treatment of breast cancer with the INTRABEAM device: a Monte-Carlo study, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 9 (2), 025013